Clever design should stand for itself, yet some introduction.
We focused on the interaction between small sized shops and the citizens of Tampere. To ensure the success we narrowed down our target group and the involved businesses as well.
Our customer is 16-39 years old, Tampere-based, is either working or studying, has some financial abilities and may even have a special interest in design as well.
For the other part in the dialogue we concentrated on small and independent stores, bars, restaurants, theaters and museums.
Despite the generic landing page of the program we want to basically avoid usage of web based measures. The bottom line of the program is to make people aware of actual living and grasping the overused sustainability. Materiality and non-virtual elements revive the connection to a natural way of living.
Our campaign consist of 3 cornerstones. We provide:
- an information format
- a discount system (for the customers) which is connected to a donation forum
- an event program
One of the first steps of our campaign is to inform the citizens about the program and which stores and facilities support it. We will present the info in form of playing cards. Each shop will have an own and unique card. On it you can find e.g. the contact data or some specialities. Furthermore there are going to be certain symbols or colors that will help to categorize the shops, if it is a bar or a grocery store for example. On the back of the card you can find a map of Tampere and the location of the shop.
Every time a customer of the Eco2-Companys is buying a product (or a service), for instance in an environmental friendly shop, a boutique or a restaurant in the city of Tampere, he is getting Donation Points for this action on his Eco2-Card. In this scenario he would just handout each employee the Eco2-Card while the paying process is going on and according to the amount of money he has to pay, he would collect Donation Points. Furthermore, the customers will get benefits in shape of little gifts and giveaways, like high quality buttons, sticker etc. to increase the more value in order to the Eco2-Campaign. If a customer wants to see the total amount of Donation Points he already picked up, he just needs to call our Eco2 Landing Page. On this simple designed website, the user is able to get several information. Beside facts, figures and background information in order to the Eco2-Campaign itself, the user will be able to “manage” his personal Donation Points. In fact, our customer will be able to see his total amount of Donation Points and gets the chance to spend those points for an economical friendly purpose. The idea behind the Donation system is, that the user can decide for what he wants to spend his collected Donation Points. On the Eco2 Website, the customer can find different possibilities for environmental friendly actions and events with description, details and required amount of Donation Points. Now he can make a decision, which Tampere related project, action or event he wants to support. For example: If the customer wants to plant little trees in the city of Tampere, he needs to donate a specific amount of Donation Points to realize that idea. All the available projects are following an environmental friendly sense. The main purpose is to activate and involve the customers to make Tampere to more climate friendly city.
One of the first steps of our campaign is to inform the citizens about the program and which stores and facilities support it. We will present the info in form of playing cards. Each shop will have an own and unique card. On it you can find e.g. the contact data or some specialities. Furthermore there are going to be certain symbols or colors that will help to categorize the shops, if it is a bar or a grocery store for example. On the back of the card you can find a map of Tampere and the location of the shop.
Our Donation System consists basically of the idea, to give the user of Eco2 points which he can donate for particular environmental friendly project in order to his preferences.
Every time a customer of the Eco2-Companys is buying a product (or a service), for instance in an environmental friendly shop, a boutique or a restaurant in the city of Tampere, he is getting Donation Points for this action on his Eco2-Card. In this scenario he would just handout each employee the Eco2-Card while the paying process is going on and according to the amount of money he has to pay, he would collect Donation Points. Furthermore, the customers will get benefits in shape of little gifts and giveaways, like high quality buttons, sticker etc. to increase the more value in order to the Eco2-Campaign. If a customer wants to see the total amount of Donation Points he already picked up, he just needs to call our Eco2 Landing Page. On this simple designed website, the user is able to get several information. Beside facts, figures and background information in order to the Eco2-Campaign itself, the user will be able to “manage” his personal Donation Points. In fact, our customer will be able to see his total amount of Donation Points and gets the chance to spend those points for an economical friendly purpose. The idea behind the Donation system is, that the user can decide for what he wants to spend his collected Donation Points. On the Eco2 Website, the customer can find different possibilities for environmental friendly actions and events with description, details and required amount of Donation Points. Now he can make a decision, which Tampere related project, action or event he wants to support. For example: If the customer wants to plant little trees in the city of Tampere, he needs to donate a specific amount of Donation Points to realize that idea. All the available projects are following an environmental friendly sense. The main purpose is to activate and involve the customers to make Tampere to more climate friendly city.
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Plant A Tree Day In Tampere
At the end of the year-long campaign, there will be a huge event where all the people who have chosen to trade their accumulated points for "trees" will be able to actually plant the trees themselves. In a chosen location in the city (or on the outskirts, depending on availability) there will be a planting tree party in which the young trees can be planted by the people who bought them in a specific location that they choose.
The idea of having an event and not only a "promise" of a planted tree is that the people can actually see the difference they are making on the environment. With this initiative you actually do something to help protect the earth, and that is a feeling that stays with a person for a long time and will bring forth a more ecological way of thinking and acting. There is also the possibility of naming the tree and placing a small plaque that identifies the tree as the one you planted, so you can visit it whenever you want.
Theme Parties
Along with the idea of developing themed "collectible cards" with information that can be gathered in stores and bars comes the idea of making themed "ecological" parties. These two initiatives would be connected in a way that collecting the cards, having a badge or just buying something in one of the participating stores would grant an invitation to the party related to the theme of the store, card or badge.
Besides the obvious part of entertainment and clubbing, these parties could have some small speeches about ecological behaviour, nature themed decorations, special "natural" cocktails, etc..
Cinema Sessions, Cooking Lessons, Lectures On Ecology, etc...
There would be also Cinema Sessions, with art movies and non-commercial movies which have nature and ecology as a theme. The cinema session tickets can be bought or won through the same process as the theme party invitations. Also, Cooking Lessons and Lectures on Ecology and Responsible Behaviour, as well as other "educational" events, would be offered for those who which to participate. The lectures would be free of charge and offer a variety of speakers from different areas of interest.
Group members: Stella Vollmer, Goncalo Rodrigues, Georg Frömelt, Lucas Rassbach
Group members: Stella Vollmer, Goncalo Rodrigues, Georg Frömelt, Lucas Rassbach