

Logorama is a short film that was directed by the French animation collective H5, François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy + Ludovic Houplain. It was presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2009. It opened the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and won a 2010 academy award under the category of animated short. Watch it here
Some issues raised connected to copyright are readable here or here.

1 comment:

  1. Can you explain how you were able to use all these trademarks (and) characters without being stopped by lawyers?

    Herve De Crecy: The key thing is we didn't ask permission to anyone. We would have been refused for literally every demand. The best example is the mail we received from the director of public relations and marketing of the Los Angeles zoo, Jason Jacobs: "Quite honestly, if you had originally told us what this project was about and asked for our logo, we most likely would have said no. However, I really liked how you incorporated the messages of how Zoos help animals and also the green giant tells the children to treat animals with respect.

    Is there a legal opinion related to US Copyright law that you had issued?

    Herve De Crecy: Our lawyer, Arnaud Kriger-Metzger, based all his work for the contracts on the french law. But the film could be considered as illegal in France as in the US.

    Is this considered Fair Use?

    Herve De Crecy: We would say it's a right of parody.

    Do you consider the film parody, or satire, or both?

    Herve De Crecy: Logorama is not a pamphlet. Of course it is a satire but not only. It's also a tribute to the creators of all the brilliant logotypes that we used as the architecture of the film.
